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Sacred Lotus Flower Petals (wild, dried) Herbal Tea

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€4,00 Sábháil €-4,00 (%)
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Nelumbo Nucifera

Sacred Lotus Flower tea is a renowned beverage with many health benefits and an intriguing aroma. Our tea is sourced in southern China and is fresh packed to keep the subtle flavors locked in. The lotus plant grows widely across Asia in ponds with distinctive flowers varying in colors from pink, white and blue. In Asia the lotus flower is often associated with the Buddha, in India the petals represent the elements of the earth, while in Egypt it represents rebirth.


Records also show ancient Egyptians consumed lotus flowers soaked in wine to enjoy the sacred flower’s mood enhancing properties. Modern science has discovered that these effects result from positive mood affecting alkaloids unique to the plant.


There are many health benefits reported from drinking sacred lotus flower tea.
